Telling The Time
Buensoft Staff
Total Phrases: 10
Level: 1
Date Created: 3/31/2002
Last Updated: 3/31/2002
Description: To ask the time in Spanish, we use the phrase '¿Qué hora es?', which translated literally asks what hour is it. To say that it is one o'clock, use the reply Es la una. We use the singular form of 'is', because we are saying it is the first hour. For subsequent hours (2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, etc. ) we use the plural form - son. To say that it is two o'clock, use the reply Son las dos. To say that it is three o'clock, use the reply Son las tres. and so on for every hour, using the numbers one to twelve that we learnt earlier. If you'd like to be more specific, and say that a time is in the morning, or that it is in the afternoon/evening, you can add the following expressions:- de la mañana (in the morning) de la madrugada (in the wee hours of the morning) de la tarde (in the afternoon) de la noche (in the evening) For example, to say seven in the morning, use Son las siete de la mañana.

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