The Future Tense Part 1
Buensoft Staff
Total Phrases: 9
Level: 3
Date Created: 4/8/2002
Last Updated: 4/8/2002
Description: The conjugation of the regular future tense in Spanish is very easy in all the conjugations because it is the same for all three types of verbs (-ar, -er and -ir). The ending is attached to the infinitive form of the verb instead of changing its ending. Also there are only a few irregular verbs in the future tense which you will learn in other Buensoft Subjects. This subject will show you some phrases using the future form. yo (I) -é hablaré (I will speak) tú (you, singular informal) -ás hablarás (you will speak) él (he), ella (she), usted (you, singular formal) -á hablará (he/she will speak) nosotros, nosotras (we) -emos hablaremos (we will speak) vosotros, vosotras (you, plural informal) -éis hablaréis (you will speak) ellos (they), ellas (they), ustedes (you, plural formal) -án hablarán (they will speak, you will speak)

You will learn how to say the following in Spanish:

Click here to download and learn these phrases

Please note:
This subject only works if you have Buensoft Spanish level 3 or greater.
Click here to upgrade to Buensoft Spanish level 3 now!

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